Looking for a cost-effective, flexible and bold word service that gives your business more clout?

Looking for a cost-effective, flexible and bold word service that gives your business more clout?
Throughout my life I've been told what to do, what to say, how to act and most tragically: play small. And, like many of you reading this, it takes a monumental shift (read: when it gets so fucking awful you have to do something about it or die) to follow your dreams.
It begs the question, would this ⬆ be my experience if I had not been born female?
When I ask my couragous, creative, and incredible clients why they don't write their own copy I get 2 answers. 1) I don't have the time and 2) I don't like to toot my own horn.
Ok, sometimes 3) I'm just not good with words.
Are these answers the same as yours? Are you sick of playing small?
Writing copy for your business so that you attract, connect, and engage with your perfect client is not tooting a flipping proverbial horn, let's get that straight from the beginning.
There are people out there who really want, no, *need* what you have to offer. It may be a small group of people, it may be a large group of people, it may be everybody. But it's your responsibility to get it to them.
Preferably, unapologetically.
We work with high impact, female-centred creatives, health and wellness brands and not-for-profits.
We work with trailblazers and groundbreakers who challenge the status quo.
And we tell people about it. With honesty, love and respect.
No fluff, no fuss. And especially no BS.
Natalie x
We create using words. From speeches to media releases, blog content to product descriptions, capability statements to websites, we provide a customised approach to your copywriting needs. By offering a cost-effective freelance service we save you the hassle of hiring a full-time marketing employee and struggling to find things for them to do half the time. Our copywriting services increase engagement and connection with your business. That means more people will find you and more people will buy from you increasing profitability, sustainability and impact.
When you are a business owner it can be a constant battle to fit it all in. You put your blood, sweat and tears into your business and the diversity in tasks takes you away from what you love doing. That's where we come in. We focus on communicating for impact so you can attract more clients and increase profitability. What are you putting off? We all put things off from time to time and usually it's tasks that involve a lot of writing and brainpower! How long of you been thinking about writing a media release? How long have you had that Capability Statement draft sitting at the bottom of your to do pile? When was the last time you gave your website a refresh?
Not for profits and community organisations survive off the smell of an oily rag. Opportunities for visibility outside of your current audience exist. When urgent situations require your attention, we understand you may not have the time to craft an article, refresh website content or spend time writing compelling copy. These 'nice to haves' make a real difference to the cause. Talk to us about possible grant funding to use our writing (copywriting or otherwise) to support your community service delivery.
We relish the opportunity to work with other creatives. Sometimes it can get busy and if you need to offload some of the writing bits to us then get in touch.
We acknowledge the traditional owners of the land on which we work, play and rest, the Gurambilburra Wulgurukaba, Bindal, Nywaigi, and Gugu Badhun People. We recognise First Nations People as the first storytellers of our region. Their stories have passed generation to generation on these lands for 70,000 years.